
AMP shares journey with DEP on launch of new business

Jul 17, 2023

In-Basin Observations : Apple Podcast

In the latest episode of Daniel Energy Partners In Basin Observations, Accelerated Mobile Power CEO, Travis Simmering and Vice President of Business Development, Dave Bosco, join John Daniel and Bill Austin of Daniel Energy Partners to discuss why we started AMP, the business value proposition and trends in the electrification of the Oil & Gas industry.

The latest episode of DEP In Basin Observations is here, and this time, Bill and John hit the road to the Woodlands. Join them in a captivating conversation with Travis Simmering and Dave Bosco from Accelerated Mobile Power (AMP). Travis and Dave share their journey starting up AMP and their mission to provide the oilfield with efficient modular mobile power solutions. AMP will serve the Oil & Gas, Utility, Data Center and Temporary Emergency Power Markets with top-notch assets and contract power services. We hope you enjoy the episode, please don’t forget to subscribe and share with anyone who might be interested.